Sunday, November 10, 2013


              SMARTHA BRAHMINS

I heard the word SMARTHA first when I started reciting SANKALPA wherein I used to chant गौडस्मार्थ विहितह........I feel  the word SMRTHA might have derived from SMRUTHY. I feel it is so called because
It allows us to pray GOD in any shape i.e. in the shape of LORD SHIVA, LORD VISHNU or Goddess SHAKTHI,Etc.  as the Supreme being. In other words , SMARTHA MEANS VRIDHY.

SMARTHAS therefore evolved a POOJA called PANCHAYATHA POOJA, wherein they  performed pooja to FIVE DEITIES called as THE SUN GOD, LORD SHIVA, LORD VISHNU, LORD GANESHA and GODDESS SHAKTHY, OR DEVI. THE ARE PLACED ON A ROUND PLATE CALLED THAAMBAALAM (தாம்பாளம்) called पञ्चायतन with the Chief deity in the middle.  Some also keep Lord MURUGA as the sixth deity . In temples of medieval ages we can see this arrangement.  In other cases they worship only Lord SIIVA, LORD VISHNU/LORD KRISHNA or GODDESS SHAKTHY. ADI SHANKARA believed in SHANMATHA and is called SHANMATHA STHAPAKA. SMARTHAS ORDER OF ROUTINE is after ablution & bath on early morning of the DAY they are to perform SANDHYA VANDAN, JAPA. PANCHAYATANA POOJA, AUPAASANA, AGNIHOTRA etc. While brahmacharis (bachelor Brahmins wearing sacred thread perform AGNIKAARYAM. AGNIHOTRA  and AUPAASANAM are to be performed by married SMARTHAS ONLY. SMARTHAS TO BE SAATVICS TAKE ONLY Vegetarian diet.

Smarthas are to perform marriages as per the prescription of VEDAS only. Once a girl is married she has to change her lineage  called GOTHRA and smarthas are prohibited to marry a girl or boy of the same GOTHRA. They adhere to the system prescribed in POORVA MEEMAAMSA.

Regards to one and all and Namskarams,


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