Wednesday, July 14, 2010

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श्रुति स्मृति पुराणानामालयं करुणालयं|
नमामि भगवत्पादशंकरं लॊकशंकरं ||”

I first salute “the compassionate abode of the Vedas, Smritis and Puranas known as Shankara Bhagavatpada, who makes the world auspicious “.

Adi Shankara was born to Kaippilli Shivaguru Namboothirippad and his wife Aryaamba Antharjanam who were childless for many years and after praing to Lord ர்VrishabhAchalEswara ( known in Malayalam as വടക്കുന്നാഥന്‍ and in Tamil as தென் கைலாசநாத.ர் It is said that Adi Sankara was born on the same birth star ARDRA ( திருவாதிரை , തിരുവാതിര ) of Lord Shiva . What ever it may be, His year of birth itself is disputed as some say that he was born in the year 44 BC., and some others opine the birth year as 509 BC and the Sringeri Mutt which said first as 44BC changed later as 788 AD.

I feel the seat of Shankara is hereditary and hence the confusion. There are many Shankaracaryrs and probably Adi Shankara might not be the same as we refer in here and hence the confusion. However I leave the year of birth of Adi Shankara to more competent people to decide.

Let us follow the majority who opine that Kaippilly Shiva Guru’s son Shankara whom we consider as Adi Shankara was born in the year 788 AD, in KALADY, and lived only for 32 years i.e upto 820 AD..


There is an interesting Book called SHANKARA VIJAYAM , I do not know much as what is written in it since I have not read that book, although I have heard about it. .

It is widely said that Shankara’s upanayanam was conducted when he was about five years as his father died then, and he learnt all the Vedas at a very young age of about 8 years. As his father died at an early age , he was brought up by his mother Aryamba Antharjanam . She used to take him for bath in the river POORNA known in Malayalam as PERIYAR, which is about 3 Kms away from their ILLAM ( HOUSE OF NAMBOOTHIRIS) . Once it so happened that when Sankara entered the waters of Periyar ( RIVER POORNA ) a crocodile caught his feet and started dragging him.. It is said that the crocodile was none other than Lord Shiva, who wanted Sankara to take Sanyasa. He shouted to his mother saying ” help me mother by allowing me to take sanyasa, then this crocodile will leave me” for which his mother put a condition that he should go back to the illam when she falls sick and in death bed, Although this is against the rules of SanyAsa, Sankara agreed to this condition and he was allowed by his mother to take SANYASA...If we go to Kaladi, we can see this bank of the POORNA river which is called as MUTHALA KADAVU in Malayalam meaning THE CROCODILE BANK.

This condition which ARYAMBA put, became an issue and all the Namboothiris boycotted Sankara during his mother’s death saying that a Sanyasi is

Prohibited from performing the last rights of his mother since once a person takes sanyasa, he is said to have renounced every thing which are earthly including his house , parents , brothers, sisters, wives etc. . However, Sankara had promised his mother that he would reach her bedside before she was to die. He had to keep up his promise and hence reached her bed side while she was dying.. Friends, It is said that Adi Sankara, made a touching sthothra containing five verses called “MATHRU PANCHAKAM”.. I request all of you to go through it which is transliterated by Sri. P.R.Ramachander,who has also given the meaning of the verses which is praise worthy.

Herein I like to add that, Aryamba Devi expressed a wish before her death ,that she wanted to see the VISWA ROOPA to which Adi shankara told her to touch him and by touching Adi Shankara she saw the VISWA RUPA OF LORD VISHNU. This is another incident to prove that Lord VISHNU AND LORD SHIVA ARE ONE AND THE SAME, as Adi Shankara is said to be Lord Shiva’s incarnation. .

Adi Sankara, in short consolidated the doctrine of ADVAITHA VEDANTA” based on the unity of the soul and Brahman, in which Brahman is viewed as without attributes.” “ऎकॊ दॆवः सर्वभूतॆषुगूदः सर्वव्यापी सर्वभूतान्तरात्म , कर्माध्यक्ष सर्व भूतॆषुवासा साक्षी चॆतॊ कॆवलॊ निर्गुणस्च्छः

After getting permission from his mother, Adi Shankara without wasting time went to NORTH INDIA in search of a GURU and when he was at Narmada River Bank he met Govinda Bhagavathpada a great disciple of Gaudapaada.. Govindabhagavathpaada asked Sankara to prove his identity. While revealing his identity Shankara described Advaitha Vedantha in one clear verse. Impressed by hearing the verse without any hesitation Gininda Bhagavatpada took Adi Shankara as his disciple. He taught Adi Sankara all in Advaitha and asked Sankara to wrie commentaries on Brhma Suthras and spread the theory of ADVAITHA . Adi Sankara went to KASHMIR where he met Sanandana who became his first disciple. Incidently he was from CHOLA DESA of the present TAMIL NADU.

While going to KASI VISWANATHA TEMPLE Adi Sankara was accosted by a Shudra. ( a person from a lower caste ) who was coming from the opposite direction with four dogs. When Shankara’s disciple asked the sudra to move away from the path so that Adi Sankara without touching him and his dogs , could pass to the other side , the Shudra asked Adi Sankara whether they were asking to move the non dying ATMAN or the body in which the Atma resided now and which was perishable , Adi Sankara realised then , that He was none other than Lord Shiva and the four dogs accompanying Him were the Four VEDAS. Adi Sankara, after prostrating before Lord Shiva disgiised as Shudra , immediately made the famous poem MANISHA PANCHAKAM , which is the essence of his ADVAITHA THEORY, . I am afraid that this short biography might become a bigger one and hence refrain from giving MANISHA PANCHAKAM herein. This happened during his tour to propagate his Advaitha Siddantha which is a Bhashya of Brahma Suthra.

Adi Shankara wrote the PRAKARANA GRANTHA(S) which are the commentaries called BHASHYAS OF of Badarayana and Brahma Sutras, varous upanishads and Bhagavat Githa, mostly from Badarinath as instructed by his GURU GOVINDA BHAGAVATPADA, in order to propagate ADVAITHA SIDDANTHA..

In the days of Adi Shankara there used to be verbal debates (NYAAYA VAADA ) in which if one fails, he and his followers will join the winner and his thoughts. Adi Shankara , although was very young in age defeated many of his rivals in debates and they all became his followers.

The debate which he had on philosophy with Mandana Mishra a great MeemAMsa philosopher , is worth mentioning. Mandana Mishra was the disciple the famous Kumarilabhatta, In fact, Adi Shankara sought a debate with Kumarilabhatta who was at PRAYAG, but instead of having a debate with Adi Sankara , since he was repenting for the sin he committed by going to a GURU to learn BUDHISM under pretext as a buddist, directed Shankara to go to MAHISMATHI which is now known as MAHISHI BANGAON in BIHAR. and have the debate with his disciple MANDANA MISHRA. , Adi Shankara had about two weeks debate without sleep with Mandana Mishra who lastly accepted defeat.

I do not know whether what I say hereinafter is a story only or a fact. However, it is said, that, the wife of Mandana Mishra, UBHAYABHARATHI, who was also highly learned, called Shankara and said that he should have a debate with her too and win her too, if he was to be declared as triumphant. Adi Shankara accepted the challenge. It is said that she asked Adi Shankara questions on KAMASUTRA. Since , Shankara had taken SANYASA from childhood, he never knew any thing about it.. Adi Shankara asked for time which she granted. It so happened that the king of that place died and Shankara took this opportunity for “PARA KAAYA PRAVESHA “ an art to send the soul to another body by keeping body of the self as dead temporarily. He instructed his disciples to keep the body in tact , and keep a watch over it. till his soul returns to his orginal body, and thereafeter entered the body of the King. who had just died. and thus Sankara learnt the art of love making from the wife of the King.. After learning the ART OF LOVE MAKING, ( KAMA SUTHRA ) Adi Shankara debated with UBHAYA BHARATHI and defeated her.


This is the right time to tell that although GAUTHAMA BUDDA spread BUDDISM everywhere in India , Lanka, Burma, China, Tibet and almost throughout Asia, THERE WAS NOTHING NEW IN THAT , OTHER THAN WHAT IS SAID IN HINDU PHILOSOPHY.. Shankarachrya was born to revive Hinduism of which its survival was in peril due to the spread of BUDDISM. In fact, ADI SHANKARA SAVED HINDUISM FROM PERISHING , BY SPREADING HIS ADVAITHA SIDDANTHA. MANY KINGS BECAME FOLLOWERS AND HELPED H.H. ADI SHANKARA IN HIS MISSION..

Adi Shankara had many disciples . Prominent among them were HASTHAMALAKA, THROTAKA, PADMAPADA and SURESWARA.. Adi. Shankara went to all the four corners of BHARATHA VARSHA and established TEACHING MATHS of DASAMI ORDER.



i.e. wandering renunciates carrying a single staff or stick of knowledge. This is associated with SMARTHA TRADITION. VAISHNAVATE SANYASIS CARRY THREE DANDAS and are called THRIDANDTIS. I do not like to go further deep in this matter,

In EKA DANDA TRADITION the SANYASIS adopt any one of the following 10 names only :-

(1 Saraswati (2) Tirtha (3) Aranya (4) Bharati (5)Ashrama

(6)Giri: The Kriya Yoga tradition comes under the Giri order.

(7) Parvata (8) Sagara (9)Vana and (10) Puri

As I told earlier Adi Shankara after creating the FOUR MUTTS called his highly qualified four disciples and asked PADMAPAADA and sent him to PURI to head the Mutt established there by Adi Shankara, He directed THROTAKA to head the Mutt estblished by him at BADARINATH and HASTHAMALAKA was sent to head DWARKA PEETH and sent SURESHWARA to head SHRIGERI MUTT. While GOVARDHAN MUTT at PURI is assigned with RIG VEDA, SHARADA MUTT at SRIGERI is assigned with YAJUR VEDA, KALIKA MUTT of DWARKA is assigned with SAMA VEDA and JYOTHIR MUTT at BADARINATH is assigned with ATHARVA VEDA

For easy remembrance LFrom WIKIPEDIA)







Govardhana Pīha

Prajñānam brahma (Brahman is Knowledge)

Rig Veda



Śārada Pīha

Aham brahmāsmi (I am Brahman)

Yajur Veda



Dvāraka Pīha

Tattvamasi (That thou art)

Sama Veda



Jyotirmaha Pīha

Ayamātmā brahma (This Atman is Brahman)

Atharva Veda


While Saraswathy, Bharathi and Puri are used as suffixes with the names of MathAdhipathis of Sringeri Sharda Peetham, Dwaraka Pithadhipathis use Thirtha and Asrama as suffixes , Giri, Parvatha and Sagara are suffixed to the names of Mathadhipas of Jyothir Math, and Vana and Aranya are suffixed by the Mathadhipas of Puri Govardhana Mutt. .

Adi Shankara gave each of them a SPATIKA LINGA ( LINGA MADE OF CRYSTAL) and gave one SPATIKA LINGA to Rameswaram Temple where it is taken out every day in the morning, even today , ones only, for pooja. Those who are going to RAMESWARAM kindly see this LINGA in the morning. When I visited Rameswaram I had the opportunity of seeing it.

It will not be inappropriate if I say as per VEDANTHA temporal life is a part of religious life so to say POLITICS IS subsidiary to RELIGION. This is the main difference between most of the western style of Secularism or democracy which we practice now in India, and Hindu Vedantha theory.


It is not possible to give the names of all the works of Adi Shankara. However few important works are given under :-

(1)PRASTHANA THRAYI COMMENTARIES (2) BHAGAVAT GITHA BHASHYA (3) BRAMHA SUTHRA BHASHYA (4) BRUHAT AAARANYAKOPANISHAD BHASHYA (4) BHASHYA of Chandagyopanshad,Ishopanishad, Kathopanishad, Kenopanishad , Orashnopanishad, Mandikyopanishad, Mundakopanishad, Thaithiriyopanishad,Adhyathmapathala , Vishnu Sahasranama etc.(5) Prapancha Saara (6) Sarva Vedantha Siddantha Sara Samgraha(7) Upadesha Sahasr (8) Viveka Chudamani (9) Atma Bodha (10) Maneesha Panchakam , (11) Advaitha Panchakam (12 Maya Panchakam (13) Athma Bodha (14) TathvOpadesha Etc. STHOTHRAS ON DIFFERENT DEITIES Etc.


“The Hamsa (Sanskrit: "swan") is an important motif in Advaita Vedanta. Its symbolic meanings are as follows: firstly, upon verbally repeating hamsa, it becomes soham (Sanskrit, "I am That"). Secondly, even as a hamsa lives in water its feathers are not sullied by it, a liberated Advaitin lives in this world full of Maya but is untouched by its illusion. Thirdly, a monk of the Dashanami order is called a Paramahamsa ("supreme hamsa")”


“Adi Shankara visited Sarvajñapīha (Sharada Peeth) in Kashmir (now in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir).[22] The Madhaviya Shankaravijayam states this temple had four doors for scholars from the four cardinal directions. The southern door (representing South India) had never been opened, indicating that no scholar from South India had entered the Sarvajna Pitha. Adi Shankara opened the southern door by defeating in debate all the scholars there in all the various scholastic disciplines such as Mimamsa, Vedanta and other branches of Hindu philosophy; he ascended the throne of Transcendent wisdom of that temple.”

Note :-The abovve given 2 paragraphs are from WIKIPEDIA.


After handing over the four PEETHAS to his distinguished disciples with necessary instructions, Adi Sankara had completed his mission of taking birth in this world. I When Adi Shankara was just 32 years old, he started from from his JYOTHIR MUTT at Badarinath towards KEDARNATH, Although his four disciples also wanted to go along with him, Adi Shankara told that he had given them some task which they should fulfil first and went alone towards Badarinath and sat at Badarinath in SAMADHI. I have all regards to KAMAKOTI MUTT AT KANCHIPURAM, However I differ from those who are considering this as a PEETHOM CREATED BY ADI SHANKARA.. I also say that KAMAKOTI MUTT is doing great service to HINDUISM.

This biography will not be complete if I do not write that the credit of finding out the village of Birth goes to the 19th centuary successor of Adi Shankara at Sringeri Sharada-peetha , Swami Sachchidanda Shivaabhinava Narasimha Bharathi and for the renovation of the Samadhi at Kedarnath goes to Swami Abhinava Sachchidananda Theertha of Dwaraka Peeth, the 20th Successor of Adi Shankara.


Writing the biography of a great person like Adi Sankara in six pages, who was a Maha Purusha, is an impossible task. I request you all to pardon me for my short comings and consider this as my token of respect towards such a Mahapurusha whom we consider as the AVATHAR OF LORD SHIVA..

Regards to one and all,


From the Web.

Shankaracharya Samadhi
, India

On a missionary tour debating various scholars across India, the renowned Advaita philosopher Adi Shankaracharya traveled to the Himalayas and reached the Badrinath-Kedarnath region where he also wrote the famous Bhashyas ("commentaries") and Prakarana granthas ("philosophical treatises"). Kedarnath had fallen into ruins till Adiguru Shankaracharya revived it and initiated systematic worship and maintenance here. He allotted the responsibility to several of his disciples who had accompanied him. To this day, Kedarnath temple has a Nambudiripad Brahmin from Kerala as its chief priest/Rawal. At a young age of 32, Shankaracharya then took mahasamadhi at a beautiful spot behind this temple on the banks of the Mandakini. The site of the Samadhi has a temple with his statue and the Shivalinga worshipped by him. With the mighty peaks in the backdrop, a refreshing patch of lush green between the two temples unites the space in a serene and calm aura. A marble wall with the symbolic presence of Shankara's hand holding the Sanyasi's staff divides the temples. The Mandakini River flows in quiet reverence beside the temple making for deep introspective environs

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