Sunday, July 12, 2015




Getting good response for my article on Lord SHREE KIRATHA MOORTHY OF PALLASSANA VILLAGE, I venture of writing about LORD VADAKKUNNATHAN (वृषभेश्वर IN SANSCRIT). The Name VADAKKUNATHAN came from VADAKKU - North NATHAN denotes The Kailasa which is the abode of LORD SHIVA and which is the northern boundary of Bharatha Desa, The word THRISSUR is the short form of T HIRU SHIVA PERUR. Why He is known as VRISHABHESHWARA is because of VRISHABHA the Lord’s vehicle and body guard, which is on the mound (or KUNNU in Malayalam) . The KOOTHAMBALAM or the dancing hall of the Temple is said to have been constructed by PARACHCHI PETTA PANTHRRUKALAM FAMOUS PERUMTHACHCHANN of 7th century. It is also corroborated by the story of Adi Shankara who was born after 41 days Bhajan by his father, SHIVA GURU with his wife ARAYAMBA to beget a good and intelligent Son whi is short-lived, some-where during the said period in this temple  It is also said that Adi Shankara built the famous  EDAYIL MATHOM, NATUVIL MATHOM, THEKKE MATHOM AND VATAKKE MATHOM In Thrissur . Inside the temple one can see the Adi Shankara’s place of death.( SAMADHI STHALAM ) also.In Kancheevaram it is sad that AADI SHANKARA went on SAMAADHI. The Shiva Linga is said to be under a huge BANYAN TREE ( ALMARATHTHIN KEEZHIL by LORD PARASHU RAMA under advise of Lord Subrhamania , Goddess Parvathy etc The then Maharajah of Cochin under whom Thrissur also included wanted to build a temple for lord , decided to remove the Linga and place it in the Sanctum of the newly constructed building. From the MOOLA STHANA, (ORIGINAL PLACE) But there was a doubt of falling a branch of the Banyan tree and Hence he decided to cut the branch which was big. he summoned a well-kown YOGATHIRIPPAD who after taking proper precautions asked to cut the brances and then to remove SHIVA LINGA from its MOOLASTHANA which was carried out. It so happened 0nce VILWAMANGALATHTHU SWAMIYAR who is well known to all Keralites and who could see with his eyes all Hindu Gods and Goddesses went to pay obeisance to the Lord could not see HIM any- where in the sanctum went on PRADIKSHANA and to his dismay saw  LORD SHIVA sitting on the perimeter wall on the  southern side. After paying his obeisance to the LORD he asked the LORD as to why HE was saitting on the wall The LORD replied that it was time of his dearest dame Kumaranelloor  KAATHYAAYANI Bhagavathi,  coming with all pomp and to see HER coming HE was sitting there. This happened on the moth of VRISCHIKA ( SORPIO ) in KRITHIKA STARDOM A pooja to LORD in the morning hours started from  that day. Even now one can see it being conducted.

Lord Shiva is also known as ARDHA NAREESWARA ( in Tamil அம்மயப்பன் ) since HE is the LORD OF DANCE FORMS in ladies form He depicts PARVATHY DEVI who taught to USHA, Daughter of Banasura who taught this form to the women of DWARKA. Parvathy is SHAKTHI. Without SHAKTHI
ONE CANNOT IMAGINE Lord SHIVA and with-out Lord Shiva there is no Shakthi. He Himself assumed  the form of KIRATHA and the Left side very fair and the rightside with JATA,  and with Ganga and also black in color. LORD SHIVA taught this art to THANDU.It is possible that Lord Shiva and Godesses Parvathy are in the same shrine one towards west and the  other  towards east respectively. Lord Sree Rama is facing west is located in the two-storied  shrine can be seen in the southern side and between these two shrines we can see Lord SHANKARANARAYANA facing west.  These are the Mukha Mandapams.

A fairly large white bullock on the verandah of the Nalambalam is worshipped as Nandikeswara. In the temple quadrangle.
Lord Ganesh in the temple is positioned facing the temple kitchen and offering of Appam (sweetened rice cake fried in ghee) to Mahaganapathy is one of the most important offerings at Vadakkunnathan temple. Propitiating Ganapathy here is believed to be a path to prosperity and wealth”.

In this temple MAHA SHIVARATHRI when Lord Shiva is taken in precession and Aanayoottu are the temple’ s big festvals.



4 PM TO 8.30 PM

THRIPPUKA (THE LST RITE OF LORD VADAKKUNNATHR ) 8.30 PM EVERY DAY,THRIPPUKA is known as THRIPPA ( திருப்புகை ) It  is a custom when there is a connection with GOD we use THIRU as in the case of ATHIRA or ONAM, THIRU-ANANTHA PURAM, THIRU-SHIVA – PERUR.THIRU is only a word which denotes respect, to the GODS.

This essay cannot be complete without  telling about THE FAMOUS THRISSUR POORAM FESTIVALWHICH IS FAMOUS THROUGHOT THE WORLD. .Money is collected from all shop keepers irrespective of what religion they belong and the function is conducted. Small POORAMS to meet L/ORD  From THIRU-AMBAADY(திருவமம்பாடி)LORD SREE KRSHNA temple side KANNIMANGALAM (கண்ணிமன்கலம்) Lord SHAASTHA Pooram comes first to meet HIS FATHER i.e LORD SHIVA known as VADAKKUNNATHAR and thereafter comes  LAALOOR BHAGAVATHI, KATHYAAYANI of AAYAMTHOLE, NELLIKKAVI BHAGAVATHI, and from PAARAMELKKAVU side CHEMBUKKAVU BHAGAVATHI,PAANAMUKKUMPALLYALLY SHASTHA.CHOORAKKOTUKAVU BHAGAVATHY, KARAMUKKU BHAGAVATHY of POOKAAATIKKARA, and then comes the MAIN POORAMS are PARAMELKAVU BHAVATHY TEMPLE AND THIUAMBAADY SRI KRISHNA TEMPLE .The PANDAL decoration is looked after by the Muslims.

 It is said that once ceremonial flag hoisting (കൊടിഏറ്റം) is done  NADUVILAL and NAIKKANAL before seven days of actual POORAM FESTIVAL which starts on POORAM  STARDOM i.e POORVAASHADA STARDOM in Malayalam month of MEDHOM. Those  who reside in THRISSUR permanently should not leave the place or even if leave the place of residence, they should return on the same day. I feel this is because of lot of friends and relatives  are expected to go to their recidence to see THRISSUR POORAM. I opine this because of the saying ATHITHY DEVO BHAVA (अतिथि देवो भवः)

People from all walk of life goes to see MADHOTHIL VARAVU. Mpre than 200 artists play PANCHA VADDYAM consists of mainly five instruments called THIMILA, MADAALAM ( different types 0f drums in Malayalam Language ),TRUMPETS,( piped music) EDAKKA and KAI MANIKAL ( CYMBALS ).This
Ceremony denotes the stepping out of THIRUVAMBAADY KRISHAN AND DEVI frim their respective abodes to BRAHMASWAM DEVASTHANAM temporarily, to VADAKKUNNATHER TEMPLE TO MEET LORD SHIVA which is the MAIN TEMPLE.

The second Main attraction is ILAMHITHTHARA MELAM (ഇലഞ്ഞിത്തറമേളം) more than 250 artists take part which is also known as Paady Melam (പാണ്ടിമേളം) starts atabout 2.30 PM at the place where Paramelkkavu Bhagavathy sat on a Stone under an Ilanji Tree (बोकुल्, மகிழ மரம், ഇലഞ്ഞി മരം & Botanically known as MIMUS ELANGI ) before reaching HER present abode. This is a popular belief among the people of Thrissur and the Melam performed to commemorate HER taking REST at this place. This goes on for about 4 hours.

The next attraction but not least of THRISSUR POORAM is changing of umbrellas by the main two temples i.e. SREEKRISHNA temple of THIRU AMBAADY (തിരുവമ്പാടി) and PARAMELKKAVU (പാറമേല്‍ക്കാവു.People from all over India and foreigners throng the entire area to witness this wherein 25 fully decorated elephants from each side stand in one line. While Paramel Kkavu elephants stand on the road opposite THEKKIN KADU MAITHAN തേക്കിന്‍ കാടു മൈതാനം,
and.  after paying obeisance to Shakthan Thampuran’s Statue .the other enter through the western gate of SRI. VADAKKUNNATHAN TEMPLE and come out through the southern gate and line up on the Thekkin kaadu Maithan itself opposite of PARAMELKKAVU elephants The fans for the GOD AND GODDESS called ആലവട്ടം & വെണ്‍ചാമരം throng the entire area to see the changing of umbrellas of different colors and shapes with golden borders which are feasts for the people’s eyes. Whenever the umbrella is changed the Aalavattam & Vencamamaram are shown to the GOD and GODESS. This function of POORAM festival goes on for about 2 to 21/2 hours.

Display of fire-works with in THEKKIN KADTU MAITHAN at about  2 AM on the next day by Shree Krishna Temple and Paramel Kavu temple competing each other provide the crowed with the most unexected and the best performance of THRISSUR POORAM FESTIVAL..Both sides start their fire- works one by one.  While PARAMEL KAVU starts first with a കതന വെടി (a type of cracker generally cracked in Temples of Kerala ) After they finish, The THIRU AMBAADY side starts with bursting of കതന.  This lasts through-out night.

The seventh day of POORAM FESTVAL which is called as DAY TIME POORAM ( പകല്‍ പൂരം ) by the locals is bidding farewell by the two sides i.e PAARAMELKAVU & THIRU AMBAADY sides where in the two sides Elephants (ONE EACH).  This is a touching
scene where they bid farewell by shaking their trunks i.e.twisting of their trunks.Most probably the meaning is that they will meet each other during next year. 

Despite being a Hindu festival, the Thrissur pooram is attended by different sections of the Kerala society.

During thisa perid the Sanctum of Vadakkunnatha Temple is closed and will be opened only after SHUDDI KALASHAM ( ശുദ്ധികലശം ), for pooja ,since many people from different Religions enter the temple premises.

Friends, this is only a short history in which I might have ommitted many items.


Monday, June 22, 2015



Probably many people knows only MEEN KULATHTHI  KAVU(TEMPLE) of Pallassana because of it is made famous by Tamilians and others who goes to the temple especially to ward off enemies, frequently. However the are many more temples in the small and less famous place of PALLASSANA in Palghat District of KERALA STATE For example there is one temple called PUTHIYA KAVU mostly frequented by NAIR CASTE people, LORD SHIVA TEMPLE of KIZHAKKE GRAMAM ( EAST VILLAGE ) , LORD SANTHANA GOPALA KRISHNA SWAMY TEMPLE OF PATINHERE GHRAMAM (West Village) , both manned by Tamil Brahmins where NATTI AMMAN is also placed. As far as NAATTI AMMAN is concerned, I do not know about the origin. I feel it  was worshipped by original inhabitants of PALLASSANA who worshipped  this deity which brahmins also worshipped due to fear or they brought this deity after proper AAVAAHANA of their family deity (KULA DAIVAM) who must be MOOKAAMBIKA or some other deity. I leave it to experts on the subject. There is also a famous temple called KIRATHA MURTHY TEMPLE which is mostly frequented by NAIRS of the locality on whom  I am writing this essay.  KIRATHA MURTHY IS BLACK IN colour which form is only black of LORD SHIVA. The story can be seen IN KIRAATHAARJUNEEYAM in MAHABHARATHA.  In this one will find LORD SHIVA taking the AVATHAARA of a hunter and blessing Lord ARJUNA with PAASUPATHA who became the devotee of SHIVA . The Idol is facing towards east and thrikala Pooja (3 times Pooja) is conducted. At this temple.    There is a common belief that if we are successful in getting a work done 1200 coconuts are broken to KIRATHA MURTHY, The UPADEVATHAS are VIGNESWARA and KAATTIL BHAGAVATHI i.e. NANDA DURGHA  There is  peculiar  custom in this temple. The children who attain 5 years old on THIRUONAM day are brought to the temple and made to stand before the deity and made to beat each other ones which will be witnessed by the MOOSAD who is the PALLASSANA’S HEAD at 2 O’clock in the afternoon. The festival  of the temple starts on the month of MESHA months 10th day.The PALAKKADs famous KNYAR KALI is performed. On first 4 days it is performed in the house of PATHYYATTIL MOOSAD’ S ILLAM (HOUSE). This temple was once  owned by eight caste people. They are CHERUMAN, ANDI , KURAVAN, MANNAN, POOSHAARI,CHAKKILIAN, VALLON(MALAYAN), and PARAYAN . Now there are 99 Nair families and Moosad’s house around the temple which is nearby PUTHTHJEN KAVU which is  owned by the NAIRS. This BHAGAVATHI is said to be related to KOTUNGALLUR BHAGAVATHY. 
Regards to one and all,