Saturday, March 08, 2008


Many people had asked me about their RAASIS. I am giving hereunder the Group of constellations belonging to each RAASI (KOORU)

Every one knows that there are 12 RAASIS Viz. Mesha (Metom) , Vrishabha ( Edavam),
Mithuna ( Mithnam), Kataka (Karkkatakam), Simha (Chingam) , Kanya (Kanni) , Thula (thulam) , Vrischika ( Vrichikam) , Dhanus (Dhanu), Makara (Makaram) , Kumbha ( Kumbham), and Meena (Meenam)

Each Nakashathra ( CONSTELLATION) has 4 Paadas and there are 27 Nakshathras..Two and a quarter Nakshathras will form a Raasi. In other words 9 Padas of constellations in order, will make a Raasi.. For example Aswathi all Paadas, Bharani All Paadas and Kaarthika 1st Quarter will be in MESHA RAASI.. Now I shall deal with the 12 Raasis and the Nakshathras belonging to each Raasi. :-


(1) Mesha (Aries) (a) Aswini (Aswathi) All 4 Quarters
(b) Bharani All 4 Quarters
(c) Krithika ( Karthika) First Quarter
(2) Vrishabha (Taurus) (a) Krithika(Karthika) Rest 3 Quarters
(b) Rohini All 4 Quarters
(c) Mrigashira (Makeeram) First 2 Quarters
(3) Mithuna (Gemini) (a) Mrigashira (Makeeram) Last 2 Quarters
(b) Aridra (Thiruvathira) All 4 Quarters
(c) Punarvasu (Punartham) First 3 Quarters
(4) Kataka (Cancer) (a) Punarvasu (Punartham) Last Quarter
(b) Pushya (Pooyam) All 4 Quarters
(c) Aslesha ( Ayilyam) All 4 Quarters
(5) Simha (Leo) (a) Makha (Makam) All 4 Quarters
(b) Poorva Phalguni (Pooram) All 4 quarters
(c) Uththara Phalguni ( Uthram) First Quarter
(6) Kanya (Virgo) (a) Uthara Phalguni (Uthram) Rest 3 Quarters
(b) Hastha (Aththam) All 4 Quarters
(c) Chithra 1st & 2nd Quarters
(7) Thula (Libra) (a) Chithra 3rd & 4th Quarters
(b) Swathy (Chothy) All 4 Quarters
(c) Vishakha (vishaakham) First Three Quarters
(8) Vrischika ( Scorpio ) (a) Vishaakha 9Vishaakham) The 4th Quarter
(b) Anuradha (Anizham ) All the 4 Quarters
(c) Jyeshta (Thrikketta) All the 4 Quarters.
( 9) Dhanus (Sagittarius) (a) Moola (Moolam) All the 4 Quarters
(b) Poorvaashaada (Pooraadam) All the 4 Quarters
(c) Utharaashaada (Uthraadam) 1st Quarter
(10) Makara ( Capricorn) (a) Utharaashaada (Uthraadam) 2nd,3rd &4th Quarters
(b) Shravana (Thiruvonam) All 4 Quarters
(c) Dhanishta (Avittam) 1st & 2nd Quarters
(11) Kumbha (Aquarius) (a) Dhanishta (Avittam ) 3rd & 4th Quarters
(b) Shathabhishak (Chathayam) All 4 Quarters
(c) Purvabhaadra (Purorattathi) 1st 2nd & 3rd Quarters
(12) Meena (Pisces) (a) Purvabhaadra (Purorattaathi) 4th Quarter
(b) Utharabhadra (Uthrattathi) All 4 Quarters
(c) Revathi All 4 Quarters

Hope this will help you to know your RAASI i.e. the POSITION OF CHANDRA in your RAASI MANDALA of the Horoscope.

Sunday, March 02, 2008


The worship of LINGA is prehistoric. In fact it started when men became free from external dangers and started thinking about GOD etc. In fact, man carved GOD in his own image.

The worship of GOD in LINGA form which is prevalent in India, started long ago , even before we started worshipping Lord SHIVA in the form of NATARAJA etc. The same way the worship of DEVI also is prehistoric as we see SHIVA LINGA in YONI in all SHIVA TEMPLES.

This LINGA worship as we see in India can be seen as prevalent in other parts of the world. The only difference is that they give different names for this cult. I told before that man considered GOD in his own image. It means for increasing our progeny a man and a woman is required. The PHALLUS or LINGA or PENIS has to enter the YONI and after the secretion of semen only the production of progeny starts. This is exactly what we projected in LINGA & YONI WORSHP . Later on people started giving it shape of human beings like the present Lord Shiva having serpent as necklace, carrying Ganga and Chandra on his head, as Nataraja etc. Even we call him as SMASHANA VASA and NEELAKANDHA. Another important thing we find is that this worship is found more in SOUTH than in NORTH although people of North also worship LINGA.

When a war broke out between the original inhabitants of our motherland and others who came to India in which the original inhabitants might have been overpowered or when a fusion took place between the old inhabitants and others who came to India, the LINGA cult took a back seat as others who came to India thought it barbaric. However , they had also FEAR in their minds to completely disbelieve the old faith, and hence called him as RUDRA and started worshipping HIM in that form. In fact , the LINGA itself was later on divided in which process ,the portion which entered the YONI became known as BRAHMA the CREATOR ,the middle portion was named after VISHNU the PROTECTOR and the top portion is depicted as SHIVA the DESTROYER.

This is the true depiction of LAW OF CONSERVATION OF MASS. Without destruction there is no creation or need to protect. In other words this depicts that NOTHING CAN BE DESTROYED EXCEPT THE FORM. This is later on told by LORD KRISHNA in BHAGAVAT GITHA

In the Ramayana ,our Great epic, we have read Lord RAM and SEETHADEVI,

Worshipping the SHIVA LINGA together with the YONI ( PARVATHY) which we consider as the better half of Lord SHIVA. In Mahabharatha also such stories are plenty.

By writing this, I have no intention to degrade the believers of MAHAVISHNU as the superior GOD. God can be prayed in any form as you like although HE is only ONE.

Regards to one and